Sunday 12 June 2011

How to resist temptation?

Temptation is everywhere.  It’s cold this morning and I’m tempted to stay in bed and not go to the gym.  I have friends over and I’m tempted to order a lot of pizza instead of eating the healthy food I have at home.  I’m feeling a bit depressed tonight and I’m tempted to eat all that chocolate I have in the pantry instead of sticking to my healthy way of eating.  Sound familiar?
This kind of flawed decision making is a normal part of human existence.  All of us, regardless of our intelligence, are tempted to think of the short term rather than the long term.  That warm bed is here NOW and the benefits of the workout will only come much later. That chocolate will taste great NOW and the harmful side effects will be hard to detect.  It’s not hard to see why people succumb to temptation when the benefits are so immediate and obvious while the damage is so subtle and long term.
So here are a few ways to make it easier on yourself to resist temptation:
Give In
you can resist temptation by giving in occasionally. for example chocolate, in small amounts, it can be a fine part of a healthy diet.  So rather than try to avoid it completely, treat yourself an occasional piece of chocolate.  This keeps the eating under control and it also eliminates temptation by reducing craving. 
Remove the Temptation
If you’re a recovering alcoholic, do you keep beer in the fridge?  If you’re trying to quit smoking, do you keep cigarettes in your pocket?  So if you’re trying to eat healthy, why are you keeping 2lbs of bacon and 3 bags and candy in your house?  Remember, temptation is a lot harder to fall prey to if it’s less convenient.  If I’m craving chocolate right now it would be much worse if I actually had some here within immediate reach.  Make it so you have to work a bit to succumb to your temptation and you’ll see how less frequently you do it.
Make A Public Commitment
Yep, peer pressure works so why not use it for us?  Make a promise and make it public that you will be at the gym every morning this month.  By telling your friends and family about it, you’re less likely to break that promise.  I know it sounds a bit shallow, but promises made to others are less likely to be broken than promises made to yourself.
Make It A Group Effort
Similar to the public commitment idea, make it harder on yourself to give in by working with your friends.  For example, if it’s just you that’s supposed to be at the gym in the morning then it’s easy to give in to that warm bed.  However, if you’re supposed to meet a friend there then it’s much harder to not show up. 
Remind Yourself
Keep a reminder of why you want to live a healthy life with you.  Could be a picture of your kids, a picture of that mountain you hope to climb or even a picture of you from a year ago when you weight 60lbs more.  Whatever it is, keep it on you and take a look at it when you’re tempted to do something dumb.  That item will remind you of the actual benefits of a healthy life.
20 Minute Rule
If you’re tempted to do something stupid, wait 20 minutes and see what you think then.  In most cases, you’ll see that the temptation was momentary and you can now make a good decision. 
This is how to resist simple temptations such as food but most of these tips could work for other temptations as well. For example if you want to stop smoking, if you start smoking once a day instead of a full pack you might reduce to once a week to even once a month until you stop completely. And if you stop buying cigarettes and leaving it within easy reach it might be harder to purchase and you'll probably purchase it less often. Also, if you keep a picture of someone that died because of smoking or someone that lost their heir or is really sick because of smoking you might stop your self after you see it. same as the group effort or the public promise. And the 20 minute rule is the most accurate, if you wait 20 minutes before smoking each cigarette you might not be as tempted by that time and probably even forget to smoke it.

One time, in my early teenage years, like most teenagers i didn't know which friends to choose. So I had friends who had very bad impacts on me,first he taught me to skip with out parents permission then stop doing school work, and much more. I always followed what he said and never thought of it as a bad thing until one time he brought a cigarette and was convincing me to smoke with him. But for the first time I thought of my actions and decided for my self to not do it. I tried to stop my friend to but he wouldn't even talk to me anymore, however I fought the struggles i faced to not smoke. 

One of the most common temptation teenagers face!

Temptation could be anywhere and everywhere for example this student is probably capable of answering all of the questions in the test but since his teacher sat him beside an ace student he tempts to assume that he will get better if he cheats. He might end up getting an even lower mark but he's tempted that cheating is the best think he can do and that it's not his fault it's rather the teachers fault that sat him beside her. This is one of the very common temptations teens tend to face. It's not even worth it at the end since you're not harming anyone but yourself.  Therefore, you can face temptation anywhere and everywhere you go to, and most of the time it's not worth it. 

This reminds me of grade7, one time I had a unit math test and the teacher sat me beside the "smartest" kid in class. I really understood that unit and studies very hard for the test, however, I didn't trust my abilities but decided to "copy" from the smart kid sitting right next me. Forgetting that the student wasn't in class for most of this unit, so I copied everything he did "word by word." When I finished, I was so happy because the teacher didn't catch me and I believed that I'm Going to get a very high mark. However, I was wrong, I got a very bad mark because at that day the student wasn't ready. This proves that temptation mostly have negative impact on people rather than positive impact.

Saturday 11 June 2011


Driven by restrained desire
I want what I need
Shaking as her sex takes hold
I've lost all control


Drowning in a sea of rage
I taste the embrace
Helpless as it steals my soul
I've lost all control

It never lets me down
One foot in the ground

We exist in a world where the fear of
Illusion is real
And we cling to the past to deny and confuse the ideal
Once inside, we can conceive and believe in a god we can't feel

I can't feel it
I can't feel it
I can't feel

Destined by a fate so cruel
And drugged to delight
Laughing as these lies unfold
I've lost all control

It never lets me down
One foot in the ground
You satisfy my soul
I've lost all control

In this song we see that the character is facing temptation and can't help stopping himself from doing it. He says that he have lost control and temptation satisfies his soul. Which proves that when someone faces temptation he/she sees everything that their doing as the perfect thing to do because it seems to satisfy their needs.

Resisting temptation!!!

Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.
Frederick William Faber  
Temptation is very hard to resist because when you face temptation everything looks so perfect. For example, if you’re tempted to smoke you will see smoke as the best think in the world, that turns your life to be happier and better. While in real life it’s really bad for you, it’s ruining your health, and it’s stopping your mind from thinking. However, if you actually think about it and see the negative size of it, you will try to resist it. No matter how hard your friends encourage you to do it; you will still resist which is very hard to do. Therefore, whoever can resist the temptations he/she faces through their lifetime is a victory.

When I resisted temptation as I mentioned in the above example, I felt very happy of what i accomplished and learned that this friend wasn't a real friend but rather was using me to hide his faults. After I stopped hanging out with him I felt very happy because my grades went up dramatically and my parents were very proud of me, first because i faced my struggles and made the right choice, and second I was going through the right academic path.  

what temptation do teens face?

Everyone faces temptation at one point of their life, especially teenagers. Teens tempt to face temptations more than anyone else. Some of the temptations they face are Smoking, Speed driving, drug abuse, etc… Most people are tempted to smoke during their teen years because they tend to watch lots of TV which advertises that smoking will make you happier, you’re going to forget your problems and so forth. Also, friends have lots of affect on teenagers and during this age teenagers tempt to have a hard time choosing good friends which might lead them to facing bigger problems and worst temptations. 

This video explais all the different kind of temptations youth face and how we should resist them.  

When I first got my playstation three, I was so excited and loved it, so i was tempted to play for hours and hours non-stop, to the point where I forgot to eat or drink. I played all day long and stayed very late at night, I also started playing it the minute i got back from school and stopped going out with my friend. My life was all about video games because that's all i did and talked about.